Eurasian Basin

The Eurasian Basin, is one of the two major basins into which the North Polar Basin of the Arctic Ocean is split by the Lomonosov Ridge (the other one being the Amerasian Basin). It is an extension of the North Atlantic Basin. It is further split by the Nansen-Gakkel Ridge into the Nansen Basin and the Fram Basin. The latter basin is the deepest one of the Arctic Ocean and has the geographic North Pole located over its floor.

It is bounded from the South by Greenland, Svalbard archipelago and Taymyr Peninsula. Its maximum depth is over 12,780ft. The continental shelf around the Eurasian Basin is very narrow, averaging 23-58 mi.[1]

It is believed to be of Cenozoic origin: it was created about 63 m.y. ago by the spreading of the sea floor.[2]


  1. ^ Physical characteristics of the Arctic
  2. ^ "Plate Tectonics Model for the Evolution of the Arctic", Geology, vol. 2, Issue 8, p.377 (1974) doi:10.1130%2F0091-7613%281974%292%3C377%3APTMFTE%3E2.0.CO%3B2